The collapse of the Bay Bridge during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake remains a significant event in the history of civil engineering.
Category: Structures
This article offers guidance and recommendations on the design of shear connections for composite beams to Eurocode 4
This article discusses the collapse of the Baltimore bridge and highlights the key lessons structural engineers can learn from the engineering failure
This article offers an overview of the design principles and types of bolted connections and provides two detailed worked examples to illustrate the application of Eurocode 3 in practical design scenarios.
This article explores the considerations necessary for accurately calculating wind loads on signage structures, with a focus on the guidelines provided by the Eurocode. Signage…
This article presents the design of welded connections in steel structures to Eurocode 3 and a worked example on the subject.
This article presents the NTSB investigations into the 2018 Pedestrian Bridge Collapse in Florida and the lessons learnt from the failure
This article defines what a contract entails within the context of professional engineering services, the components of a contract, and how a contract may be formed in engineering.
This article explains some of the key technical issues around PAS 8812 – the current guide on temporary works design to European standards.
This article highlights some of the salient aspects of the design and construction of liquid-retaining structures in reinforced concrete