This latest article discusses the steps that engineers can take to mitigate against technical risks often in the form of design errors appearing in their work.
Category: Structures
This article lays out the way in which reinforced concrete drawings should be read.
This article provides an introduction to the three main types of risk that engineering practices face and considers the steps they can take to minimise or mitigate these.
This article explores estimation of settlement in piled foundation, highlighting the various methods of deriving the settlement of pile foundations and illustrating the process through a worked example.
This article explores the impact of settlement on structures, particularly how it impacts design internal forces.
This article introduces engineers to the various techniques available to monitor movement in historic structures.
The Eight article in the series on design and construction of concrete bridges, explores the subject of prestressing as it concerns concrete bridges.
This article explores estimation of settlement in piled foundation, highlighting the various methods of deriving the settlement of pile foundations and illustrating the process through a worked example.
This article explores the use of the standard penetration test to determine the bearing capacity of foundations
This article presents the design of embedded retaining walls – a wall in which resistance to active lateral earth pressure is mainly resisted by the passive pressure generated at the toe side of the wall.