This article provides an overview of how to estimate settlement of spread foundation with a focus on Eurocode 7. The article also contains fully worked example.
Category: Structures
This article explores forensic engineering from the perspective of failure investigation. It highlights what constitute an engineering failure and how the structural engineer should approach a failure investigation.
This article explores the plate load test and illustrates how to use data obtained during the test to determine the bearing capacity of soils. The…
This article gives an overview of the analysis and design of box culverts, the checks and verifications required to be carried out, and a worked example to the Eurocodes.
This article provides an overview of the rules applicable when detailing foundation to Eurocode. It covers pad footings, ground beams, raft foundations and piling. No…
This article is concerned with the hydraulic aspects of designing a box culvert. It deals particularly with the aspects of sizing a box culvert to ensure that it’s able to deal with the anticipated peak flood discharge without any adverse effect throughout the service life of the culvert.
This article provides an introduction to ground bearing floor slabs, touching on the slabs’ reinforcement by considering both historical use of mesh as well as current plastic and steel fiber reinforcement methods.
This article discusses the how prestressed precast concrete planks are constructed, specified and installed. Precast concrete planks are a common method of floor slab construction.…
This article discusses the construction specification, the types of specifications that may be required on a project and the importance of having them in place.
This article explores the analysis of free-standing staircases. It provides a comprehensive review of different analytical and numerical approach for analyzing free-standing staircases and introduces a simplified method suitable for preliminary analysis and design.